Senior research associate, PhD
From 1974 to 1997 he worked at the institutes of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Institute of Mathematics, Institute of Physics, Institute of Geophysics, Institute of Cybernetics. Since 1997 he has been working in the SRI NASU-NSAU (GKAU) in the position of Senior Resesarch Scientist. From 2000 to 2007 headed the Scientific Information Processing Centre of SRI NASU-NSAU, where he led the creation of the software and hardware complex NORDIS-Variant for space project Sich-1M. With the end of the project he works in the department №22 as Senior Research Scientist.
In 2013 and 2014 he carried out planning and coordination of the two ground-space experiments on modification of the ionosphere by the parametric acoustic transducer (LC SRI) where measurements were conducted using equipment of microsatellite Chibis-M (IKI RAN) and the radio telescope URAN-3 (PMI NASU),he initiated the creation and took an active part in development (together with LC IKI) of the comprehensive data base (system CODIONA) of Ukrainian active acoustic-ionospheric experiments using microsatellites DEMETER (ESA) and Chibis-M (IKI RAN) and radіo teleskop URAN-3 (PMI NASU).
Scientific activities associated with the modeling of nonlinear processes.