Olexander Kryshtal


Olexander Kryshtal

Leading research associate, Doctor of phуsics and mathematics. Thesis is «Smallscale wave instabilities in preflare plasma of loops in solar active region”

1973-1976 – post graduate of the Institute of Theoretical Physics;

1976-1981 – Engineer of the Department of Mathematical Problems of Physics of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR;

1981, May 26, defended his thesis on “Selected problems of superdense rotating configurations of ideal fluid in general relativity”

1981-1985 – Jr. researcher of department of mathematical problems of physics in Institute Geophysics Sciences of the UkrSSR;

1985-1987 – senior researcher of department ofelectrical and radio measurements in UkrCSM;

1987-2016 – senior researcher of department of space plasma physics MAO NAS of Ukraine (2008-2016 – Head of Department)

2016 – leading research fellow Department of Space Plasma Space Research Institute of NAS of Ukraine.


Selected publications:

1.Kryshtal A. N.Gerasimenko S. V.Voitsekhovska A. D. “Oblique” Bernstein modes in solar preflare plasma: Generation of second harmonics // Advances in Space Research. .- 2012. – V. 49, Issue 4- P. 791-796.

2.Kryshtal A., Gerasimenko S., Voitsekhovska A., Fedun V. The ion-acoustic instability in the pre-flare plasma near the loop footpoints at solar active regions // Ann. Geophys. – 2013.- Volume 31, Issue 12. – P.2193-2200

  1. Kryshtal A., Gerasimenko S., Voitsekhovska A. Small-scale Langmuir wave instability in preflare chromospheres of solar active region // Astrophys. and Space Sci. – 2014.-349, N 2.- Р. 637-646

4. A.N. Kryshtal, Fedun V., S.V. Gerasimenko, A.D. Voitsekhovska. “Oblique” Bernstein mode generation near the upper-hybrid frequency in solar pre-flare plasma // Solar Phys. – 2015. – 290, №11. – P.3331-3341.