Rapoport Yuriy

Rappoport In 1981 Ju. G Rapoport graduated from the Physics Department, in 2006 doctoral of Kiev University. Senior Research Associate. Thesis: “Distribution of non-linear magnetostatic and electromagnetic waves in a cross-limited media” (1986). During the work on the theory of electromagnetic fields and space communications systems in the Institute “Saturn” (until 1991), led by Ju. G Rapoport developed: a set of programs for modeling and optimization of unmutual ferrite devices, precise electromagnetic models of transmission lines and complex physical and numerical wave model of  field transistor with distribution effect. On the basis of this work was published the article in “IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technique”. In frames of project “Prevention” in the Space Research Institute NASU and SSAU carried out a study of electrodynamics and the theory of nonlinear waves in plasma and atmosphere. In particular, developed a model of wave communications system “lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere”, including models of the three channels of energy transfer from lithosphere and lower atmosphere to the ionosphere: electromagnetic, electrostatic-photochemical and acoustic-gravity, and through the planetary electromagnetic waves. Developed and gave to students of Physics Department of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, of “The University of Montana” (USA), of “Aalto University” (Finland) lectures in linear waves in plasma, solitons in plasma, general physics, probability theory and linear algebra, nonlinear oscillations and waves in plasma and in metamaterials and so on. Today develops models of sound influence on the ionosphere from terrestrial sources. Actively participate in international scientific cooperation with colleagues from universities in the UK, Mexico, Finland, Israel and Australia. Author and co-author of more than 140 publications.

